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Torey Lee Brooks

Goal Details: Climb twelve 5.12's

Updated: Apr 16, 2021


Rock climbs are graded on many subjective scales, one being the Yosemite decimal system. The first number in the YDS determines the class (5 meaning technical rock climbing) and the second number determining difficulty (ranging from 2-15). Generally speaking, 5.12 determines a grade above intermediate requiring a higher level of climbing skill.

The "Why"

I want to challenge myself! I've successfully climbed one 5.12 and feel as though I am within reach of a few more. I want to push myself to learn the different skills and techniques required to climb at this grade. Also, "twelve 5.12's" has a ring to it.

Kismet Rock Foundation nourishes the physical, intellectual, and emotional development of rural and urban children throughout New England before they enter their perilous teen years. They provide summer programs and scholarships for a comprehensive education in technical rock climbing within the context of a stable and loving family-like atmosphere.

Personally, rock climbing has taught me a lot about myself, my abilities, and my confidence. I want to help give kids a chance to learn both the skills and life lessons rock climbing can teach them, in the hope to instill in them a lasting love of the outdoors and confidence in their own abilities to climb mountains.


To "complete a climb" means to lead it without any assistance from the rope or gear (aka redpoint ). This does not require me to hang draws on the route if some are already in place.

Technically I will leave it open to complete 5.12's in both sport and traditional styles, though it will more than likely be completed using sport climbs.


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